Hip and Knee Solution Course
David Hip and Knee Solution is a key to managing the challenges set by an ageing population and improving surgery outcomes with pre-and post-operative treatment programs.
David Hip and Knee Solution
How to use the DAVID G200 Knee Extension Device?
G200 Set up - Knee Extension
G200 Mobility test - Knee Extension
G200 Isometric strength test - Knee Extension
G200 Movement - Knee Extension
How to use the DAVID G300 Knee Flexion Device?
G300 Set up - Knee Flexion
G300 Isometric strength test - Knee Flexion
G300 Movement - Knee Flexion
How to use the DAVID G310 Hip Abduction Device?
G310 Set up - Hip Abduction
G310 Mobility test - Hip Abduction
G310 Isometric strength test - Hip Abduction
G310 Movement - Hip Abduction
How to use the DAVID G320 Hip Adduction Device?
G320 Set up - Hip Adduction
G320 Isometric strength test - Hip Adduction
G320 Movement - Hip Adduction
How to use the DAVID G260 Hip Extension Device?
G260 Set up - Hip Extension
G260 Mobility test - Hip Extension
G260 Isometric strength test - Hip Extension
G260 Movement - Hip Extension Device